2004 Mare

Chance came out of Texas as a 3yr and has been an exceptional mare on That'll Do Ranch. She was rode and competed on until she retired to have babies as a 15yr. Chance is a rodeo money earner, consistently 1D and ran a 17.23 on a regulation pattern in ABRA finals, which was one of the top 10 times out of 1500+ runs that year. She is smart, gritty and athletic.

Smart Deck Ta Fame
2017 Gelding

Decker out of Lenaschancetodance and LDS Unleashed is on track for the 2002 Futurity.

2018 Mare

A Daughter of Lenaschancetodance sired by Dee Butterfield's Raisen the moon. She is CBHI and Super Stakes nominated

2019 Gelding

Gelding out of Lenaschancetodance and A Classic Guy. This flashy chromed up fella will catch your eye a mile away. He has flaxen mane and tail as well as Rabicano markings. He has a really great mind to work with

(Name Pending)
2020 Filly

Gray filly out of lenaschacetodance and Nickster. This filly is made right and can excel in many events